Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mr. Beardy

Since I'm a newbie with ZBrush, I naturally wanted to do something that was almost impossibly hard for me. This project involved lots of questions and YouTube tutorials. Many, many hours of tutorials...Well, time to go rest my eyes. 

Reference photos were taken from my actual bearded dragon, Mr. Beardy.

Monday, August 11, 2014


If you recognize her, that means you've been following me for a while. This is a remake of one of my first characters, Lianna (picture at bottom for your reference and my embarrassment).

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Shyvana: Colored

For a while I just wasn't drawing. I had a hard time finding my style. These past few months were especially tough after constant disappointments with promising opportunities. After a bit of experimenting, I feel I have an idea of the direction I want to go. Which...well, produced SHYVANA, THE FEROCIOUS DRAGON.

Anyway, here is the LoL character I referenced: http://forum.lol.garena.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1142&d=1320120886 I redesigned her armor a bit. I felt it lacked...well, a lot.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

El Taco Rosa

This was done as a concept piece for a short animation that some friends and I created. Taco taco, burrito burrito!!